We are a training practice and most of the time we have GP Registrars. These junior doctors have worked for at least three years in a hospital are finishing their specialist training as a GP. We also have Foundation doctors working with us, these doctors are in their first two years of training after completing their medical degree. We also have medical, nursing and health visitor students learning in our practice for most of the year. You can always choose whether to help us with our training or not.
Our trainees (doctors, medical students) have to provide videos of themselves consulting to the training authorities. They watch the consultation afterwards with their clinical supervisor and discuss their consultation style and clinical management of the patient. These videos are permanently deleted as soon as they have written up their learning.
Occasionally partners will video themselves in order to improve their consulting skills.
You will always be able to choose not to be videoed – at any stage, and we will never video you without your explicit written consent.