GP Extended Hours
Appointments are now available up to 8pm on weekday evenings and Saturdays 9am to 5pm. These appointments are available through our primary care network both in practice or via telephone and with our partner provider livi who deliver remote consultations by telephone or video.
Appointments are available as follows:
Monday evening: Crick Medical Practice & remote appointments with livi.
Tuesday evening: Saxon Spires Practice & Greens Norton & Weedon Medical Practice. Byfield Medical Centre one Tuesday each month.
Wednesday evening: Crick Medical Practice.
Thursday evening: Long Buckby Practice 3 in 4 & Byfield Medical Centre one Thursday each month.
Friday evening: remote appointments with livi.
Saturday morning: alternating between Greens Norton & Weedon Medical Practice and Saxon Spires Practice.
Saturday afternoon: remote appointments with livi.
Appointments can be booked by contacting your own practice reception team. Patients needing urgent care when their practice is closed should continue to call NHS 111 in the usual way.